Athletic Training Service

Central Connecticut State University is committed to the development of a safe intercollegiate athletics program by protecting the health and well being of its student-athletes, as well as by providing a safe sport environment. The NCAA Sports Medicine Handbook developed by the NCAA Committee on Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports and the National Athletic Trainers Association's Policy Statements are used as a guide in establishing recommendations and procedures for preventing and managing athletic related injuries at Central.

Athletic Training Services Are Provided for:
  1. Central Varsity Intercollegiate Athletics.
  2. Visiting Intercollegiate teams scheduled to participate at Central.

At Central, the evaluation and care for athletic injuries/illnesses is based on standing orders. These protocols are established between the team physician, the university physician and Central Connecticut State University's Athletic Training Department.

Providing effective quality health care to our student-athletes requires the group effort of the sports medicine team at Central Connecticut State University. The sports medicine team consists of the university medical director; the team physician(s); the certified athletic trainers and athletic training students; the certified strength and conditioning specialists; and various consultants in the areas of cardiology, neurology, primary care, orthopedic specialties, dentistry, ophthalmology, and counseling.

Central Connecticut State University's Athletic Training Department focus on the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of athletic injuries sustained to our student-athletes. Sport participation in intercollegiate involves an inherent risk of injury, and the student-athlete must share in the responsibility of prevention through following established safety protocols, communicating and reporting injuries to the athletic training staff in a timely manner, reporting for treatments and rehabilitation as directed.

All injuries must be reported to the athletic training staff for evaluation, treatment and referral. Medical referral will be made when deemed necessary. The role of the athletic training staff is to assist the athlete in returning to sport participation following an injury as quickly and safely as possible. In order to return the athlete safely back to sport participation, coaches and athletes must immediately inform the athletic training staff of all injuries sustained while participating in sports. The athlete must also directly communicate any concerns that he/she may have regarding his/her injury evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation program to the athletic training staff.

The university and the team physician have the final authority to determine when a student-athlete is removed or withheld from participation due to an injury, an illness or pregnancy. In addition, clearance for that individual to return to activity is solely the responsibility of the university and/or team's physician (or that physician's designated representative).